Unscheduled Stop – Friday Flash

Which for me is Saturday. I posted this earlier today. The prompt photograph is this:


Flash! Friday link

Added element: A phone call.


Unscheduled Stop

The first time the telephone rang Mother screamed.

Emery emerged from the dining room, ‘Everything alright, Ma’am?’

‘Yes, Emery. Thank you.’ She removed the hand that had sprung to her chest and righted herself. ‘God-awful noise, just caught me by surprise.’

Emery nodded, raising the receiver to his ear as Mother disappeared into the breakfast room.

‘The Mortimer residence.’ he announced. His ghostly complexion paled further as he added, ‘Yes, yes,’ and then ‘I’ll tell her’. He hung up and he saw me, my eyes peering out from under the stairs.

‘Miss Josephine,’ he cleared his throat, ‘Go upstairs to Dorothy, breakfast will be served later than usual.’

He followed after Mother and closed the door. While his words were lost in low tones, Mother’s grew louder.


Dismissive laughter.

‘Robert’s in his study-‘


‘He went where?’


‘I don’t need to check the car!’

Floor boards creaked.

I scarpered upstairs.

The second time the telephone rang, Mother screamed.